MX ESPAI 1010 Barcelona
The III Mini-Textile International Contemporary Art Exhibition started four years ago with a first project. The main idea was to show what was being done abroad in the area of contemporary tapestry development and in small format. The very little artistic activity in this area in recent years here is what led us to organise such an event. Despite the risk of being too pedagogical, we also wanted to point out the conceptual differences that were being produced around the world, and clarify the different points that, to our understanding, have been causing some serious confusion in regards to this art form, both here and in other countries.
The collaboration of 70 artists from around the world (the physical capacity of our gallery doesnit allow for more) from the more than 500 convened, has allowed us to come in contact with this art and has encouraged us this time to also invite our own artists, with the aim of confronting certain interests and answers. We wanted to continue to flirt with the risk of bringing together a number of artists whose interests may not lie in the same area, but which we felt were nonetheless necessary to expose.
The artists come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, having taken up an art form whose evolution has been somewhat complex, suffering a type of isolation bought about by the lack of tradition and by the infiltration of pseudo-artistic sectors. This has given rise to a number of very diverse opinions amongst the critics and the public.
It has been our purpose and aim to connect with the creators within this discipline, going beyond aesthetic boundaries in search of the counterpoint as oppose to artistic reflection, and show their work. Being able to count on the participation of artists from Catalonia, Aragon, Madrid and Andalusia this time, as well as artists from other countries who live and work in Barcelona, and be able to examine their work, has given us a great deal of hope. In this exhibition, you’ll be able to find works of art that have made the most of the limits of size, intensifying the essence of what they are saying, and artists who dare break out of the limits of the socially acceptable upon where their professionalism rests, and instead express a intensity in their work that draws us into the always rewarding world that is art.
© Marga Ximenez
c/Libreteria 7 principal, 08002 Barcelona Spain
Amb la col.laboració de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Departament de Cultura