2007 - International Baltic Mini Textil Triennial Gdynia

5.Dez. 2007 - 31. Jan. 2008
National Museum in Gdansk-Oliwa
11. Sept. - 11. Nov. 2007
Central Museum of Textiles Lódz
15. Juni bis 25. August 2007
Muzeum Miasta Gdynia
Among international Miniature Tapestry forums including Hungary's Szombathely, Italy's Como and France's Angers, the youngest of them, Gdynia, has already found its own place. A good one. A place recognised by both the international doyens and the young artists who are just starting their career. A place where dreams about future and further development arise. These dreams are not just the Organisers hopes for even more lucky coincidences as it was in the past but a binding obligation toward the international Artists community.
For years the International Baltic Biennial, and then, from 2004, the International Baltic Miniature Textile Triennial was hosted by the historic tall ship Dar Pomorza. From this year on and hopefully forever the event will be hosted by the exhibition rooms of the Museum of the City ofGdynia. The Mayor of the Gdynia, the Marshal of the Pomeranian Region and the Museum Director, people open to the Town, Sea and the World, have been ardent supporters of the event for many years. The artistic director of the Triennial has been Aleksandra Bibrowicz-Sikorska supported by a growing circle of the event's fans. The event is presently accompanied by numerous other exhibitions whose names and organisers I will not enumerate although they will always remain in my appreciative memory.The International Baltic Miniature Textile Triennial is our joint concern and success Norbert Zawisza.Chairman of the Programme Council of the International Triennial of Tapestry in Lódz Director of the Central Museum of Textiles Co-Chairman of the Jury of the International Baltic Miniature Textile Triennial in Gdynia „ It is through culture that a man becomes more a man“John Paul II It is the seventh time within the last 15 years that artists come from all over the world to show the unlimited potential of artistic utterance often inspired by the romantics of the sea, whispering wind and waves, in order to become famous in Gdynia, an artists-friendly town.
Thank you for your participation and the gift of your works which create this unusual collection of this town.Triennial ComissionerAleksandra Bibrowicz - Sikorska