2023 - Miniartextil Como

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Under the patronage of the Municipality of Como and as part of the Plinian Bimillenary Celebrations
6 August – 3 September 2023
Como, San Pietro in Atrio
Opening Saturday 5 August at 5 pm
“The art of unravelling cocoons in order to weave them was devised by a woman from the island of Cos, Panfile, daughter of Platea, who should not be defrauded of the glory of having devised the way of denuding women by dressing them” (Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, XI, 26). Inspired by these words of Pliny the Elder, extrapolated from his best-known work "Naturalis Historia", ARTE&ARTE has chosen a theme that will become the guideline of the Miniartextil 32 Exhibition: "DENUDARE FEMINAS VESTIS" (Naked women by dressing them). It means that clothes which they let the light through and thus let what is hidden be seen.
The jury composed by Giuseppe Menta textile and fashion designer, Sergio Gaddi art critic and Curator and Japanese architect and sculptor Kato Kimiyasu examinated 160 adhesions.
About Miniartextil
Miniartextil was founded in 1991 by Nazzarena Bortolaso and Mimmo Totaro with the idea of bringing to Como, a city with a textile tradition, an exhibition dedicated to fiber art.
In 1994, was established the cultural associatione ARTE&ARTE, which still promotes the exhibition and continues the research the best fiber art production in all over the world.
Over the last thirty years, Miniartextil has touched places and cities throughout Europe, starting with Como which is now the main exhibition venue - we remember the shows at the Chiostrino di Santa Eufemia, Villa Olmo, Ticosa area, former Church of San Francesco, former church of San Pietro in Atrio, Palazzo del Broletto, Pinacoteca Civica, Museo Giovio, Padiglione ex Grossisti del Mercato Coperto, Museo della Seta Como, as well as squares and public places.
The international tour of the exhibition over the years is interesting: Montrouge - Paris, Mulhouse, Kaunas, Caudry, Lille, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Busto Arsizio to name a few.